субота, 18 грудня 2010 р.

DVD - Applications in one DVD [ Updated 29 th of November, VLAD, PDU ] ( 2010 )

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This is collection of most used or must have applications in one single DVD pack .ISO - All with updates and necessary sn's to help you , the user , get a fresh installation , quick running + 100% secured .

USE F3 on your KEYBOARD to Search for a Certain APP so you can test if it's here Enjoy ")

Hello there .

Today I am going to present you something special made by me for you

It took me more than a month (actually one month and 9 days) to collect this impressive DVD Size packet of applications , sort what is good and what is bad , scan it for your protection with 42 Known antiviruses , make the .iso image so you can easily burn it onto a DVD (at 4x Recommended speed) , adapt it so it can fit in exactly one single DVD.

The main question is why all this?

Well . Just because I know how frustrating is after installing a new operating system to look for apps in different CD's DVD's etc or Surf the net countless hours in finding the right , working application that suits your needs .


I have organized this DVD (4,4 GB) in such a way that is user friendly .

In the Root Folder [right after you open the image] you will find the main base folders that will contain all other (specific) data . Every folder has it's own type of applications .

For instance in "Audio Utilities" you will find only audio related applications for example : "Winamp"

Why this DVD ?

Mainly because it's well organized , safe to use and easy to operate with . It contains the direct app's, this means they are not in archives so you will need to do extra work when installing one product , the installation executables are waiting for you to open them right in the respecive folder of the respected (named) application.

Another Reason would be the 'updates' , in a larger sense , the new applications , they are always recommended because they have solved earlier builts bugs and newer apps are always more stable than older ones . Of course new is not always better but I have carefully selected for you the best of the best applications so you can enjoy a full multimedia experience and not just install bloatware (unneeded software) .

What does the DVD Contain ?

It does contain all necessary software for a PC to run more than smoothly and safe .

I'll begin by showing you the content of the DVD:

All Applications have been pre-cracked or have a special folder near them called 'cure' 'fix' SN (txt) 'crack' 'patch' or "How to" (txt). If you find some patches or cracks that are password protected it's meant to do that because some antiviruses might see them as a threat but in reality they have nothing wrong , the password is : Open

You will also need NET Framework for some applications , so here it is , the latest version (some of them use this so you better have it - it also improves the system stability once installed).


and or :


Faronics Deep Freeze Standard + Anti Deep Freeze

Translators & Dictionaries ( Babylon Pro v8.1.0.16 )

Uxtheme Patcher + Replacer (tool for forcing uxtheme.dll)

EZ Softmagic MP3 Splitter & Joiner Pro 4.22 (build 2)

Mozilla Firefox x64 Bit 4.0.B8 - x64 bit version (codename Namoroka)

- Firefox Mockup Aero Theme (makes Mozilla 3 look like Mozilla 4)

- Moz Backup 1.4.9 (make backups of Mozilla Firefox Settings Bookmarks , Passwords etc.)

Copy Protect (make a CD/DVD protected from Copy Process)


Lavalys EVEREST Ultimate Engineer Edition v5.50.2100

RapidShare Manager Classic + RapidShare Manager v2

HugeSmallFile - create a fake share on P2P Networks

Update Direct X (DIRECTX END USER RUNTIME 9.29.1962 )

June 2010 Major Update for DirectX (Highly recommended to Install)

Emulator Software:

Instant Messengers:


AdBanner Remover Plus for Yahoo! Messenger

Multi IMs (make a registry tweak in 2 clicks and have multiple logins)

Uninstall Windows Messenger (utility to get rid of it)

Aero Vista Cursor (to use them just right click in the install.inf and click install)

Windows 7 Aero Mouse Cursor (Right Click the .inf and select Install , Now select the Mouse Cursor Theme .)

Operating System Updates & Added August 2009 XP x86 & x64 Critical Updates

ACPI driver for ATK 0110 virtual device version for Win

Update to .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for the .NET Framework Assistant 1.0 for Firefox

Windows Installer 4.5 for XP & More ...

Office 2003 Pro Lite - A super Light 33,6 MB office 2003 That is all what you need (no sn needed - genuine already)

$Microsoft Windows WGA Original Genuine Plugins & Checkers

Microsoft Genuine Validation Diagnostic Tool 1.5.0717

dban - Erase the HDD with DoD and/or Gutmann method like the Army does

Patched MSO.dll for Office Ultimate2007 Activation

Unstop Copy (have a nasty DVD or CD that won't copy ? - This will help)

Windows 7 Activator (Windows 7 Developer Activation + Windows 7 Loader 1.9.4 + RemoveWAT )

Windows Genuine Advantage Notification 1.9.0040.0 (plugin/update to see if your Windows is genuine)

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (incl. Office Genuine Advantage (OGA) v2.0.48.0) (cracked client - makes your Windows XP Genuine)

Windows Key Enterprise v9.7 Build 1665 - RESET Admin Password

Windows Vista x86 x64 Activator (3 different working methods)

XP Genuine Registration Entries (registry tweaks - in 2 clicks make your WindowsXP Genuine)

Restore or Fix Missing Accessories Shortcuts in Start Menu

- Registry Editing Has Been Disabled By Your Administrator

Uniblue PowerSuite 2010 Final Multilingual Uniblue RegistryBooster 2010 + SpeedUpMyPC 2010

(utilities to clean any trace from a program from the registry)

Updates - if needed sometimes:

(-)DivX Web Player (good plugin/app for streams)


(-)Aimersoft Video Converter Professional v2.7.2.0 Portable

(-)Windows Media Player 11 Dolby Surround II Plugin

Video Codecs:

(-)CoreCodec CoreAVC Professional Edition v2.0.0.0

Enjoy another fine release:

Security Notice :

This Collection of apps has been scanned for the users protection with

(these antiviruses are not included in this release , they were simply used for scanning purposes) :

Cкaчaть XLget.com: Скачать одним файлом.

Cкaчaть Sms4file.com: Скачать одним файлом.

Cкaчaть LetItBit.net:

Cкaчaть TurboBit.net:

Cкaчaть Fileserve.com:

Статья является описанием "DVD - Applications in one DVD [ Updated 29 th of November, VLAD, PDU ] ( 2010 )", по вышеуказанным ссылкам вы можете бесплатно скачать DVD - Applications in one DVD [ Updated 29 th of November, VLAD, PDU ] ( 2010 ). Администрация сайта не несет ответсвенности за возможное нарушение авторских прав , а также за содержимое указанных выше ссылок

Ключевые слова : Софт , necessary installation , running secured , applications updates , Applications collection , November Название , Applications Updated

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Статьи похожие на DVD - Applications in one DVD [ Updated 29 th of November, VLAD, PDU ] ( 2010 )

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